Presentations and Professional Trainings
In-Person and Virtual Seminar Delivery:
We offer in-person and webinar presentation seminars and training sessions for a variety of topics. Trainings can occur virtually via Zoom or in-person and are custom-made based on your needs and the requests of your staff. We also provide CEUs! Click the following button to view our available online course offerings:
Recent Seminar Topics:
The following list includes the most recent seminar presentations that our clinical director, Kelly Arellano, has provided to a variety of associations, organizations, school districts, and private practices:
Resources and Best Practices in Assessment and Treatment of Multilingual Students in California Schools
October and November 2023. Presented to the Speech Language Pathology Department at Lawndale Elementary School District in Lawndale, CA.
Customized with demographic information relevant to the district.​
​March 2023. Presented at the 2023 California Speech Language Hearing Association Convention in Anaheim, CA.
November 2022. Presented to the Speech Language Pathology Department at Greenfield Union School District in Monterrey, CA.
Customized with trilingual resources!​
August 2022. Presented at the 2022 Ascend Rehab Inc. Professional Development Day, in Union City, CA.
March 2022. Presented at the 2022 California Speech Language Hearing Association Convention in Pasadena, CA.
Resources & Strategies for Supporting Multilingual Children in EI Settings
​March 2023. Presented at the 2023 California Speech Language Hearing Association Convention in Anaheim, CA.
June 2023. Presented virtually to SLPs working with California Regional Centers for state-funded reimbursement and CEUs.
Determining Eligibility in the Time of COVID
​December 2022. Presented via webinar at the Lavi Institute SLP Power Up Conference.
Any presentation can be customized!
Speech Language Pathology CEUs for SLPs and SLPAs:
Hola Clinic Bilingual Speech Language Pathology Inc. is a licensed California Professional Development Provider under the Speech Language Pathology, Audiology, and Hearing Aide Dispenser's Board of California. We provide CEU certificates to your staff following completion of trainings. We are not an ASHA Certified CEU provider, but our trainings count toward SLP's required ASHA CEUs as long as staff keep record of their certificates and are licensed to practice in California.

Pictures from Recent Seminars:
Kelly is a dynamic presenter and understands what it is like to work in the trenches. Here are some images from recent seminars:
Greenfield Union School District - Zoom Training, November 2022:
Ascend Rehab - In-Person Training, August 2022:
Book a training for your organization by sending an email to!
Sample Presentation Video:
Want to see more? View a sample presentation in the video below where Kelly explains how to complete a bilingual phonetic analysis using the Speech Accent Archive from GMU: